Book Reviews

The Anti-Test Anxiety Society Reviews

The Anti-Test Anxiety Society

The Anti-Test Anxiety Society

Bertha Billingsworth (BB for short) is basically a happy person until she has to take a test. To her, the word test stands for Terrible Every Single Time, because that’s how she does on them, TERRIBLE! Whenever I see or hear the word test,
The hair on the back of my neck stands up.
My face turns as red as a beet.
I start to sweat, my stomach aches, and I can t control my feet!
What if I get every answer wrong?
And I don t get any right.
I just know I’ll get a bad grade on this

List Price: $ 9.95


Anxiety: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book X

Anxiety: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book X

Jacques Lacan is widely recognized as a key figure in the history of psychoanalysis and one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th Century. In Anxiety, now available for the first time in English, he explores the nature of anxiety, suggesting that it is not nostalgia for the object that causes anxiety but rather its imminence. In what was to be the last of his year-long seminars at Saint-Anne hospital, Lacan’s 1962-63 lessons form the keystone to this classic phase of his teaching. Here we

List Price: $ 19.95


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