Anxiety Treatment

53 Easy Ways to Combat Anxiety

Its said that people love lists….Well heres a list of ways you can combat anxiety.

  1. Exercise
  2. Talk about it
  3. Medication
  4. Herbal tea
  5. Join a club
  6. Research it
  7. Accept who you are
  8. Argue with your inner thoughts
  9. Get more sleep
  10. Smile at yourself
  11. Think happy
  12. Avoid alchol
  13. Eat a banana
  14. Eat turkey
  15. Eat food rich in vitamin B
  16. Socialize
  17. Have a milkshake
  18. Ask for help
  19. Do something you are good at
  20. Meditate
  21. Yoga
  22. Do something for someone else
  23. Breathing techniques
  24. Cognitive behavior therapy
  25. Keep a diary
  26. Eat healthy
  27. Eat the right diet
  28. Draw
  29. Paint
  30. Drink Chamomile
  31. Build with lego
  32. Switch to wholewheat bread
  33. Take time out from everyday life
  34. Play
  35. Sit quietly
  36. Go karting
  37. Avoid caffeine
  38. Avoid high sugar foods (Candy!)
  39. Ride a bike
  40. Eat salmon
  41. Go on a holiday
  42. Avoid junk foods
  43. Assess the worst that can happen
  44. Expose yourself to your fears
  45. Lower your expectations
  46. Imagine a happy place
  47. Take a reality check
  48. Go for a walk
  49. Learn a new skill
  50. Sit in the garden
  51. Play with a dog
  52. Play with a toddler
  53. Treat yourself

I am aiming to describe each one and why they help, but hey there’s only so many hours in a day!