Anxiety Treatment

This section covers ways and methods to treat anxiety. Everybody is different and each case of anxiety is caused by different situations. However there are certain basic things that seem to work in every case.

Challenge negative thoughts

The main cause of anxiety is negative thoughts. Thoughts that creep into your mind unannounced and un-invited. In order to self treat your anxiety you need to try and challenge these thoughts.

    • Write down your worries in times of anxiety. To do this you need to have something on you to keep a record of your worries and thoughts, a pencil and pad or your smart phone will do. write down your worries when you become anxious. And you can’t just think about what you are thinking, you need to write it down, as soon after the event as possible.
    • Leave a little time for your anxiety. 20 minutes in the day will be plenty of time for your anxiety. For this twenty minutes you should only think about worries and negative feelings you have, focus only on anxious and negative thoughts. Don’t bother trying to fix them. Once this 20 minutes is up, that is it for anxiety for the rest of the day! If you have any worries throughout the day, fine, but the anxiety has to wait until your 20 minute anxiety time.

Accept uncertainty.

    Worrying about what might happen does nothing for your life. You need to forget whats might happen and enjoy the present. You don’t need immediate solutions for everything, most problems aren’t life threatening and can wait.

Take care of yourself

  • Relaxation techniques are essential! Meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and deep breathing will increase your feeling of well being….Even if it may just be a temporary feeling. Most people find meditation is particularly useful.
  • Start that healthy diet you have been meaning to try. The old saying a healthy diet is a healthy mind is so true. Your body needs to be healthy for you to feel at your best. Low blood sugar from lack of food will only make you feel more anxious.
  • Nicotine and alcohol will not calm you down. They will only make you more anxious.
  • Get jogging. It is well known that exercise makes you feel better. It is a fantastic natural stress buster and a great natural anxiety relief. You should exercise every day but every other day will still make you feel better.
  • Get plenty of sleep. If you are tired you will be grumpy and this will only make you feel more anxious in trying situations. 8 hours of quality sleep is the recommended amount but 9 hours might be better.